NEW AD: Constituents are Calling on Congressman Duarte to Stop Raising Costs for Californians   

California, January 29, 2024  – Today, Lower Costs California released a new ad as part of its multi-million dollar paid media campaign, aimed at urging Congressman John Duarte (CA-13) to refrain from supporting measures that could raise the cost of living for working Californians. Rep. Duarte has consistently voted in favor of significant cuts and reductions to crucial services and programs, he opposed the Inflation Reduction Act, and he consistently prioritized the interests of wealthy individuals and large corporations.

The ad features Ingrid, who lives in Madera, California with her parents and commutes 45 minutes to work each day. Ingrid and her family moved to Madera so that they could afford a home.

"It’s sad to see Republicans like Congressman John Duarte not look out for us,” remarked Ingrid. “Duarte opposed the Inflation Reduction Act and has voted to raise the costs on groceries, utilities, and healthcare. I have a long commute to work, and he’s voted to make it harder to lower gas prices. John Duarte needs to put families, like mine, before wealthy and corporate interests.” 

Full script of the ad, below:

Recently my family moved to the central valley so we could afford a home.

I live with my parents and I work full time.

I do help out at home, either with groceries or with certain bills.

I have student loans.

A lot goes into my gas expenses.

My commute to work is 45 minutes. 

I spend a lot on that.

John Duarte voted to raise costs on virtually everything. 

Groceries, utilities and even my parents’ health care. 

He even voted to make it harder to lower gas prices.

I got a long drive to work

Tell John Duarete: we can’t afford higher costs


For media inquiries, please contact Mario Vasquez Zuniga at 661-483-4927 or



Lower Costs California is a coalition of a group of concerned citizens who are holding their elected leaders accountable to make the costs of living fair and affordable a reality for everyday Californians.


NEW AD: On His 30th Year In Congress, Constituents are Calling on Congressman Calvert to Not Increase Costs for Californians